
Karen’s book is out!

I’m so happy to finally share this book with all of you! Several events are coming up, so save the dates: Saturday, June 20, 5-7pm Book Launch Party! 440 Gallery 440 6th Ave., Park Slope, Brooklyn Join me to celebrate the publication of Integrating Art Therapy and Yoga Therapy and also see my artwork in the Project Space. Saturday,...

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And now for something completely different . . .

Hello Folks, As I scurry to get ready for my upcoming solo show at the 440 Gallery, it suddenly occurred to me that I could share my excitement here!  I think of Yoga and Art NYC as a place for YOU.  I try to share all things yoga and art in order to spread the love.  I truly believe...

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Reluctant Spring and My Practice For Stability

Reluctant Spring and My Practice For Stability

I love living in Brooklyn for at least one hundred reasons.  One of them is that we get all four seasons here, usually in equal measure. This year the seasons are reluctant to change and so am I– I liked things the way they were! I am anticipating a number of changes in my life and like this year’s...

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Daily practice for concentration

Last week I did the daily practice for yoga and art each day. It was illuminating in that it both helped me to be more open to gratitude and helped me to see where I want to focus more attention. This week I am doing this practice for concentration. Feel free to join me and let me know how...

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Daily practice for gratitude

This year it has been tough to emerge from winter and the restrictive habits that have accompanied extended cold weather. Things are slowly warming and I am warming to a new daily practice. I read somewhere today the suggestion of going an entire day without complaining. Try it! It’s not so easy. I decided that this practice would help:

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Intentions for the New Year: Or, Should I Say, Life Proceeds In All Its Glory.

Intentions for the New Year: Or, Should I Say, Life Proceeds In All Its Glory.

In the past I have disliked New Year’s as a holiday.   First, I was always crumpled with the holiday fatigue. It seemed like post-Christmas days could be lovely downtime where one enjoyed the holiday spoils. Instead, I found myself in a dazed state, with reserves compromised by holiday indulgences and all my meager energy channeled into more celebrating and...

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Yoga and Art Daily Practice for Self-Confidence

This week’s practice is for SELF-CONFIDENCE. We can all use a strong sense of self-confidence as we negotiate the journey to our own truth. Third chakra balance is all about self-confidence. The third chakra is located at the solar plexus and is associated with what we call “the core”. This short (10-20 minute) practice will help you to balance...

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Yoga and Art Practice for Spaciousness

These days we are inundated with all kinds of advice for creating balance in our lives.  We can become overwhelmed and discouraged.  An antidote is to simply seek spaciousness.  Creating space is like clearing the clutter from mind, body and spirit. Try to approach this practice without judgment, just an intention to create more space. Keep your day spacious,...

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Daily Practice for Honoring Your Whole Self

Yoga and Art Daily Practice for Honoring Your Whole Self Try this practice for a week and give your beautiful self the honor you deserve! This practice can take less than 20 minutes per day, or you can take as much time as you can arrange for yourself.   5 minutes: Dancer Pose, Nataranjasana. Hold pose 2 times on...

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New! Weekly Yoga and Art Practice

I am happy to announce the beginning of a new blog-based yoga and art series: my daily yoga and art practice. Each week will have a theme– this week is “LETTING GO”. If you would like to give it a go then please set aside a few minutes each day to do these three simple actions. It should not...

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